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Victory Voip Phones

Victory VOIP (Voice-Over Internet Protocol) phone systems can literally triple the output of hard-working volunteers.

Victory VOIP phone systems are 100% conducted over the internet – no more spreadsheets, individual voicemails or individually dialing phone numbers.

With units as small as four phones, Victory VOIP is the right size for your campaign.

We will ship the phone system right to your office where it can easily be assembled and operating in a matter of minutes.

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Voter Id

The most fundamental responsibility of every grassroots campaign is to identify who is with you, who is against you and who is undecided. With the most innovative identification techniques at our disposal, Twin Oaks’ Voter ID will make this possible.

Voter ID is conducted similarly to a paid political poll but is much more cost-efficient and allows communication with a much larger audience.

Twin Oaks will work with your campaign to evaluate Voter ID results, interpret their impact and implement the follow-up strategies necessary to translate to success on Election Day.

Tele-Town Halls

Tele-town halls have become a fixture in constituent outreach for elected officials, but have also become instrumental for political campaigns seeking to communicate with a large number of voters.

While every campaign wants to talk face-to-face with every voter, it’s simply not practical. Tele-Town Halls provide a great replacement opportunity to spend intimate time on the phone answering questions and communicating a message to thousands of voters simultaneously.

How it’s done:

  1. Automated phone call is sent to every voter on your list with a personal invitation to join the call.
  2. Immediately following the invitation call, the voter is connected to the live conference.
  3. Voter can simply listen to the conference or can choose to ask a question and be placed in a queue.

Automated calls

While other forms of paid media and grassroots activity are vitally important to successfully drive a campaign’s message, there is no form of communication that is as immediate and cost-effective as Twin Oaks automated calling solutions.

Whether you need to promote an event, deliver a positive message or respond to an opponent’s attack, Twin Oaks can execute an auto-dial to thousands of voters in a matter of minutes.

We can help you write a script, target voters and record the call.

Twin Oaks is a leading GOP voter-contact firm headquartered in Marietta, GA.

With almost two decades of campaign experience, ranging from local municipal elections to national Presidential campaigns, Twin Oaks has developed and refined a proven method for successful political campaigns.

Our formula is simple – identify enough voters to win and turn them out on Election Day. Twin Oaks will not only provide the most cutting-edge technology available to campaigns – we will work with your campaign every step of the way to ensure success.

Whether you’re a candidate for local office or a campaign manager for statewide races, Twin Oaks Connect stands ready and willing to help you execute the targeted and effective voter-contact strategy necessary for a successful election.

Get Connected with Us.

Chip Lake

Twin Oaks Connect, Inc.
1000 Whitlock Avenue, Ste. 320, #106
Marietta, GA 30064